Slender: The Eight Pages Beta 0 download
narrow first-person game in which your sole purpose — to eight manuscripts narrow, paranormal beings. This follows previous game called Slenderman, which is based on a similar theme, but it is not nearly as scary or achievements.
slim jinsikucheza
The basic premise of the game is that youincreasingly coming into contact with a narrow one, for your sanity leaves momentum. Therefore, we must be careful to look slishkomDolgo enemies and remember that iakobetri torch will be limited, so morateRedovno cut to keep it going. In addition, the more you sprint, lower maximum durability, soit is necessary to drive only when necessary.
It is horrible!
mvembambaNi copes well with the creation of a lot of creepy atmosphere for a very simple game. It seems that only you, the flashlight and the sound of crickets chirping when you walk through the woods in search of the manuscript. OdnakoObschaia goal8 pages of the manuscript collection is very limited and therefore, the gameplay is a little limited.
mamboUdhibiti the game is simple: mis- OglianisV, A S D — PeremestitLevi shifts — sprintLevaia mouse — choose stranitsPravi mouse click — FonarikK E — zoom in / out technical problems
Keep in mind thatneed WinZip or WinRAR this unzipmchezo Slider.
Since the Slender had problems iznachalnoVipuscheno and quality standards. We tested these staff Softonic, so that you know which is worse, so do not forget to check how they went together:
construction and horrorhorror game that is worth a try if you’ve ever heard of Slim mythical person.
He added the subtitle for the game ( «Eight pages») to distinguish it from later editions.
improving kuuorodha and added music to it. It also now includes links to information, slender man, and YouTube series.
Addvarious light sources (unlocked after beating the game once).
Added shadow (not very noticeable, other than light region).
iakoSasa running speed gradually increases, because more pages.
Removed cooling zaza recovery after endurance run / Sprint, and the reduction of the removal speed endurance.time
Start / Run, one lakinimara deduct 5% of your patience. This allows you to run or
Sprint for a longer period of time, but it often click Jog / cause sprint button endurance
Drain water very quickly (formerly absorbed ufanisikujikvamua).
Distance maximum that cansee decreases as the number of pages; Must be called
For people kotorieTuman broke. ATD same reason, can no longer Shadow Distance kuvavalemavu.
Added menu option to automatically pass input.
Added pause function, but you can pause only if there are static (not allowed to pausegame
TheJibu meeting and narrow).
Fixed a bug where the torch is trying to show the page to the other side of the wall.
She took a mysterious way (onBilo only a matter of time, because it contains vifaahakimiliki).