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4 is a first-person shooter in which you play a member of an elite police tactical units. You will lead a team of five police officers to pursue and arrest dangerous criminals in the fictional town of Fairview. Unlike mostFPS games is not about guns blazing action, such as police restrict you when you can use deadly force. Even Non-fatal has legal restrictions on when you can use it. To warlike and penalties litsetovzirat. Smart tacticsFPS gameplayMissions less than 4 diegeweer battles you mozheteozhidat the typical FPS and more tactical puzzles. You must use all means at your disposal, including the other members of your team to solve this problem. You can set to reach his teama menu and see what they see as their helmet kamer.Koordinatsiya all this information can be difficult, but it is the key to success — but it is frustrating when the AI of your team is good, but not perfect, to fulfill your orders. Choosing the right equipment is important and wapensis Each elementhas advantages islabye side. Tactical thinking gamer 4 is not as fast or action, as well as some of the other games in this genre, but if you want something that gives you a combination of strategy and underline try.